

Statement on Pressure Against Freedom of Speech, Chauvinism, and Threats Towards the Texty.org.ua Team

We, the team at the Ukrainian data journalism agency Texty.org.ua and an independent public organization, are reporting unprecedented pressure, manipulation, slander, demands to strip us of donor funding, and threats of physical violence that we have faced following the publication of our research “Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists, Who and How They Advocate for Ending Support to Ukraine.”Читати українською.

Дата-проєкт Texty.org.ua «Відтінки темряви» здобув спеціальну відзнаку Information is Beautiful Awards

Друзі, завдяки вашій підтримці це сталося: наш дата-проєкт «Відтінки темряви» — візуалізація блекаутів у Києві й Львові через обстріли російською армією української інфраструктури — здобув відзнаку Information is Beautiful Awards у номінації Community Votes.

Data visualisation during wartime. Nadja Kelm`s speech at the data-journalisn conference in Finland

"For the last sixteen months, we have been working during the war and we have been telling about the war. None of us wanted to go through this, but it turned out to be a unique experience which I would like to share it with you" - this is how Nadja Kelm started her speech at the annual conference "Visualizing Knowledge", which has been held since 2012 in the capital of Finland. Since 2017, it has been organized by Aalto University. This year the name was "Visualizing Uncertainty".We publish her speech below.Читати українською

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