

Kadyrov Pledges to Hold Bakhmut if the Wagner Boys Run. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 1-7 May 2023.

Last week, the founder of Wagner PMC Yevheniy Pryhozhyn made a surprise move by threatening to pull back his forces from Bakhmut. The disinformation media scrambled to shift the focus onto Ramzan Kadyrov who had promised that his Chechen fighters would replace the Wagnerites and help to hold the city. The Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev once again claimed that the West is plotting to destroy Russia with the help of none other than gender diversity.Russian propagandists also claimed about the staging of a “color revolution” in Hungary to overthrow the “independent” Viktor Orbán.This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

Bad Poles and Good Wagnerites. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 24-30 April 2023.

Russian media are convinced that the Ukrainian counteroffensive is going to flop. They reported that Russia would capture the entire city of Bakhmut within days. The propagandists blasted the Poles for Russophobia and lack of diplomatic etiquette and threatened with decisive response.Russian media also claimed “nearly complete Polonization” of Ukrainians and even came up with a fake story on the association of churches in Ukraine led by the Vatican-financed Uniates.This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

Swedes Protest Against NATO while Germans Want Cheap Russian Energy Back. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 17-23 April 2023

Russian media keep saying that the Ukrainian counteroffensive is doomed. Last week, the propagandists claimed that Russian army excels at defensive warfare. The disinformation media tried to exonerate Wagner PMC after the testimony of former mercenaries sharing grim details of murders of Ukrainian civilians and the disobedient Russian servicemen had gone viral.Russian media ran numerous stories about the traitors of Russia who discredit the armed forces and praised the snitches who report them to the authorities. This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

“Why is Bakhmut Still Not Ours?” Russian Media Monitoring Report, 27 March-2 April 2023.

Just like the Ukrainians, Russian propagandists are looking forward to the Ukrainian offensive. Last week, Russian media stressed that the expected AFU counter-offensive is doomed: once the attack has fizzled out, the Russian army would secure a sweeping victory. However, the disinformation media could not avoid the subject of lackluster progress in Bakhmut. While trying to justify the endless tug-of-war, they claimed it was all part of the master plan of the higher military command to eradicate the Ukrainian defenders of the city. Russian media threatened left and right with consequences for Sweden and Finland for their intentions of joining NATO and Armenia for becoming a party to the Rome Statute. This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

Xi Goes to Moscow while Moscow's Nukes Go to Belarus. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 20-26 March 2023

Last week's news about the possibility of Ukraine getting depleted uranium projectiles for its upcoming offensive made Russian media lose sleep.The propagandists suddenly grew anxious about Ukraine’s environment and even warned about the risks of mutations in children who live in the affected areas. Russian media savored every detail of the visit of China’s leader Xi Jinping to the Russian Federation. Russian television ran Xi's quotes round the clock while news outlets said the new brotherly friendship would last ages.This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

12 days in combat and 10 months in captivity. The story of the combatant Oleksandr Antonenko from Chernihiv

47-year-old Oleksandr Antonenko from Chernihiv took part in the battles for the hill near the village of Novoselivka near Chernihiv (an interactive reconstruction of these events is here).Before the war, he worked as a welder, joined the Armed Forces as a volunteer, and was enlisted in the 1st tank brigade.He says: "[When we were enlisted in the army], we were told that we were taken to do maintenance, and I was surprised that they would also pay us a salary on top of that. On the same day, we received weapons. But we got no uniform. Whatever kind of clothes people came in, they wore them in combat."Less than two weeks after voluntary mobilization, Oleksandr was captured during battle.We spoke with him in January 2023, after he returned home. Next are Oleksandr's direct words.Translated by Dmitry Lytov & Mike LytovЧитати українською

Ukrainian Women on the Front Lines: Organ Harvesting and Chemical Warfare. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 13-19 March 2023.

Last week, Russian media were busy guessing where the Ukrainian offensive would commence. The propagandists called the situation no less than ‘dire’, but fear not, the people of Russia: the offensive is bound to fail anyway! The fake factory really pushed the envelope with the tales about “chemical witch squads” who have allegedly been planning provocations on the front lines using chemical and biological weapons. They also convinced the audiences that the arrest warrant issued against Vladimir Putin by the International Criminal Court is a worthless piece of paper. This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

Could We Still Have a Deal? Russian Media Monitoring Report, 27 February-5 March 2023

Last week, Russian propagandist media ran yet another fake report about Ukraine's intention to use weapons of mass destruction — this time in Transnistria. The Russian disinformation machine continues to build an image of a peace-loving Russia willing to negotiate things in a civilized manner. The only problem is that the evil West is hell-bent on war. This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

Wrong turn. Why in the first days of the war, a lot of residents of the northern Kyiv region did not even think to evacuate

President Zelensky did not believe a full-scale invasion would happen and talked about barbecues in the spring – and the civilian authorities weren’t prepared for such a turn of events either. When Russia invaded, the government repeated optimistic reports that Ukrainian forces were successfully repelling the attacks. It cost the lives of those who took that message at face value and did not leave the soon-to-be-occupied territories in time. Others even moved to the occupied territories in a naïve hope to sit out the period of hostilities in a quiet area away from Kyiv.Читати українськоюTranslated by Dmitry Lytov & Mike Lytov

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